Family Zinc

vitamin plus zinc

Contains European raw materials
Familiar and desirable taste for all family members
Nutritional supplement
۱۵۰ ml syrup with orange flavor


Family Zinc Syrup is a set of 9 vitamins needed by the body in addition to zinc that can be used for children and adults of any age.

  • Increase physical strength and regenerate energy consumed in conditions of extreme fatigue
  • Strengthen the physical and mental development of children
  • Strengthen the immune system and promote the general health of the body
  • Maintain the health and freshness of skin, hair and nails
  • Appetizing for children and adults

for kids under 8-10 years:

daily intake 5ml

ویتامین-300x300 family zinc

Below are some of the benefits of vitamins and minerals needed by the body that are found in multivitamins.

Zinc: Prevents hair loss, protects the liver and kidneys, strengthens bones, prevents heart disease, reduces body odor and improves oral health

Vitamin A: Acne, wrinkles, skin disorders, reduction of stretch marks, healthy scalp, reduction of dandruff, eye diseases, urinary tract stones, useful for fertility, cancer prevention

Vitamin D3: Vitamin D3 is recommended during pregnancy. Severe vitamin D deficiency causes osteoporosis in adults and rickets, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, Alzheimer’s, depression and autoimmune diseases.

Vitamin E: regulates cholesterol, regulates skin and hair health, strengthens eyesight, prevents Alzheimer’s disease, helps the fetus grow during pregnancy

Vitamin B1 or thiamine: Weight loss and anorexia may be in the absence of thiamine. Thiamine deficiency causes mental problems, including confusion and short-term memory loss, muscle weakness, and cardiovascular symptoms.

Riboflavin or Vitamin B2: Symptoms of vitamin B2 deficiency include red eyes, photosensitivity, eye irritation, dry lips, sore tongue, and inflammation in the mouth. Abnormal dryness or oiliness of the hair, the formation of premature skin wrinkles, and brittle nails are other causes of vitamin B2 deficiency in the body.

Vitamin B3 or niacin: Can prevent Alzheimer’s and other age-related brain diseases. Niacin can increase the risk of many age-related brain problems such as impaired thinking, memory loss, migraine headaches, depression, motion sickness (or travel illness, which some people experience while traveling), insomnia, and . Reduce.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine: It is one of the B vitamins. All vitamins in this group play an important role in physical and mental function. Their most important role is to help fuel, nerve function, liver function, skin health, eye health and increase energy levels.

Dexpanthenol: It is used to relieve itching and help repair the skin in cases of eczema and mild dermatoses, and to treat itching and mild skin irritation, superficial wounds, insect bites and bites, poison ivy, poisonous oak and neonatal ulcers. In addition, this drug is used as a softener and protector of surgical areas.

Vitamin C: Prevents Immune Deficiencies; Protection against cardiovascular disease; Protection against inherited health problems; Protection against eye diseases; Prevention of skin wrinkles.

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